Battling overweight has been a constant struggle. You may have tried different diets; exercises, and got your blood tests, but still, nothing has helped. Crash dieting helped you lose weight but you put on more than you lost the moment you started eating regularly. Fret not! You are not alone.
As per Ayurveda, the cause of weight gain is cyclical. It begins with the diet and lifestyle modifications that weaken the digestive fire, which increases the toxins, blocking the transport channels (srotas) and disturbing the process of tissue formation.
Here are some simple easy to follow tips that Ayurveda prescribes to lose weight without causing any side effects
Sip on warm liquids through the day – warm water, herbal teas, clear soups. However, ensure that you have it an hour before and an hour after a meal. Otherwise, it will reduce the digestive fire and hence will not aid in weight loss.
Find inner peace – Practice mind relaxation techniques like meditation or yoga which will help reduce stress – one of the key causes of weight gain. Practice this for at least 5-10 minutes every morning. It also gives clarity to our thoughts, making us better decision makers.
Exercise regularly – Ayurveda recommends Surya namaskar or sun salutation as it is a combination of 12 different yoga poses for overall health and wellbeing. Poses like trikonasan, veerabhadrasan, Purvottanasana, boat pose and bridge pose can help you lose the flab and get back in shape. Ideally, it is recommended to do 45-60 minutes of exercise everyday. However, even 30 minutes will do.
Taste matters – Foods which taste bitter (gourds, leafy vegetables), pungent ( chillies) or astringent (pomegranate seeds) have a catabolic effect on the body and hence help in losing weight. Sweet, sour and salty foods are anabolic in nature and tend to make us put on weight.
Eat seasonally – Eat seasonal fruits, vegetables, carbs and pulses. Mother Nature has planned our diet beautifully. For the hot summer months, we get carbohydrate and water rich melons which help us keep cool and fresh. For the cold winter months, we get root vegetables, seeds and fruits, heavier meat and cheeses which protect us from the cold. Similarly, we need to choose foods wisely in spring and rainy season as well.
Sleep quality and quantity – Ayurveda says go to bed with the sun and rise with the sun, which will create natural rhythm and cycle. This will also prevent the production of weight gain-causing hormones in our body. Also, it is very important to limit screen time 2 hours before we hit the bed which otherwise would stimulate our brain. Early to bed, early to rise – makes a person, healthy, wealthy and wise. Try to go to bed before 10 pm everyday.
Have a light, early dinner – Ayurveda recommends that our digestion is weakest around 5.30 pm to 8.00 pm and hence we must aim to have our dinner around this time. It should ideally consist of non-creamy soup, complex whole grains (quinoa, brown rice, barley, oats etc.) cooked adequately in water and vegetables which are steamed, roasted or sautéed. It should be light and easy to digest. Also, try and include a short walk post-dinner in your routine.
Spice up – Adding spices like dry ginger, cinnamon, and black pepper speeds up the metabolism and can aid in the weight loss goal.
Honey- This natural sweetener is often recommended as a home remedy for weight loss. It mobilizes extra fat in the body, which in turn gets utilized in energy production. 10 grams of honey mixed in warm water with a dash of lime is an excellent detox antidote. It is ideally recommended to be consumed early morning.
Portion control – Ensure to have small portions and chew your food well. Try measuring the portions on your plate – need not be too precise but a rough estimate should help. For e.g have a fist full of rice- not more than that.
Ayurveda corrects and helps you in your weight loss success story. Try it to see the results yourselves!

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