When people get married, they expect a happily ever after. They think that their marriage will always work and everything will go smoothly. But life is not a bed of roses. When two people start living with each other in the same space, it takes time for them to adjust to a new life, new routine and new people. Hence, problems and issues are bound to arise. It is important for a couple to work on those issues and find a way to deal with them together. If left unresolved, issues that seemed small may grow bigger with time. And then, people end up getting a divorce. This is why post-marriage counseling is so important. It helps you solve all those issues that may be extremely harmful to your relationship in the future. It also helps you solve issues that are harming your relationship currently.

What is post marriage counselling?

Post marriage counselling is a form of psychotherapy. It is very useful in improving a couple’s relationship as it helps in solving certain issues between them. Post marriage counselling is provided by marriage therapists who help the couple take certain decisions pertaining to their marriage.
What is post marriage counselling?
Post marriage counselling is a form of psychotherapy. It is very useful in improving a couple’s relationship as it helps in solving certain issues between them. Post marriage counselling is provided by marriage therapists who help the couple take certain decisions pertaining to their marriage.

Benefits of Post-Marriage Counselling

Conflict resolution – Sometimes, when there’s a conflict or a fight, two people just can’t seem to be able to resolve the issue on their own. No matter how hard they try, reaching a solution may seem unachievable to them. In such a situation, post marriage counselling really helps.
Improving communication – Even when a person talks and discusses the issues they’re facing with a spouse, it may not always be understood. Even when the spouse hears them talk, they might have a difficult time in processing and understanding the issues at hand. A couples therapist simply helps them in understanding what the other one is saying. In other words, counsellors help a couple in improving their communication with each other.
Rectifying mismatched expectations – When two people get married, they have certain expectations from each other. These expectations may include affection, intimacy, respect and understanding. The expectations may differ from one person to another. When some or many of the expectations are not met, conflict arises. Post marriage counsellors help couples in rectifying any mismatched expectations that they might have.
Exploring the root causes – Fights and other issues in a relationship usually arise when there are certain primary underlying issues being faced by individuals. A counsellor helps two people in a marriage in identifying those issues and solve them at the root level.
Understanding the marital bond – Some couples find it hard to understand the relationship shared by them with their spouse. They are not sure about what they or their spouse might be able to do to make their relationship better. A therapist helps them in understanding their relationship and each other better. This is a huge factor when it comes to understanding and improving the marital bond.
Correcting power imbalances – Relationship dynamics can be complicated. The way a person interacts with their spouse and behaves in a relationship can create a power imbalance. When it gets to a tipping point, the relationship can be in danger. Post marriage therapy is very useful in correcting these power imbalances and bringing harmony to the relationship.

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