Geriatric counsilling something related to old age and the elderly. The word geriatrics, however, refers specifically to a branch of medicine focused on treating conditions in older adults. Gerontology is another field of study concerned with the health issues facing aging people. it also studies social aspects of aging such as retirement or living arrangements for seniors. Both geriatrics and gerontology are considered sub-fields within internal medicine.


There are different types of geriatric counseling, such as:

  • Psychoeducation Geriatric
  • Counseling
  • Supportive psychotherapy
  • Cognitive-behavioral


  • Older adults who are struggling with mental health issues can benefit from psychoeducation geriatric counseling.
  • This type of counseling can help these individuals learn more about their condition and how to manage it.
  • Additionally, older adults who have a family member with a mental health issue can also benefit from psychoeducation geriatric counseling.
  • This type of counseling can help families learn more about the condition and how to support the loved one who is struggling.

There are activities that carry some risk, such as introducing an injured finger into the vagina. Note that having sexual intercourse with improper use of a condom also carries a risk of HIV/STI transmission.

High Risk
There are activities that are very risky because they lead to exposure to the body fluids in which HIV lives. This refers to having unprotected sexual intercourse.

Dual protection is the consistent use of a male or female condom in combination with a second contraceptive method, such as oral contraceptive pills. Often young people come to a healthcare facility for contraception and are given a method that protects them only from pregnancy. As a healthcare provider, you should ensure that all young people are using a method or combination of methods that protect them from both pregnancy and STIs/HIV to minimise their risk to the lowest level possible. Box 1.1 shows important components of adolescent and youth reproductive health programmes that should be available to all young people.

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